School Info » History


When Cliffside School was built by Cliffside Mills in 1920, at a cost of over one-quarter million dollars, Cliffside School was the most modern and up-to-date building in Rutherford County. The building is still in use today. Presently educating over 450 pupils. Below is a article from the Forest City Courier, February 27, 1922:

A great crowd gathered at Cliffside last Saturday to witness the ceremony of dedication of Cliffside's magnificent new school building. The cornerstone laying and formal opening was indeed a notable occasion in the history of the town. It was a great success in every sense of the word and was a fitting climax to the constructive educational work that has been done in the town up to the present time.

At 1 o'clock the Grand Lodge of the State of North Carolina, Ancient and Free Accepted Masons, convened in the local Masonic Hall in due form, and preparations were made. At 2:30 the parade procession was formed. Leading the line were the school children, all dressed in white. These were in charge, Prof. Charles C. Erwin, High School principal, and the other members of the faculty. Following these came the others participating in the parade in the following order: Tiler, with sword drawn; grand stewards, with white rods; principal architect, with square level and plumb; Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer; Bible, square and compasses, carried by the Master of the Lodge, supported by two stewards; Grand Chaplains; the five orders of architecture; Past Grand Wardens; Past Deputy Grand Master, Past Grand Masters, Junior Grand Warden, carrying the silver vessel with oil; Senior Grand Warden, carrying the silver vessel with wine; Deputy Grand Master, carrying the golden vessel with corn; Master of the oldest lodge, carrying the Book of Constitutions; Deacon with rod; Grand Pursuivant; Grand Sword Bearer, with drawn sword; followed by members of the lodges.

A triumphal arch was erected at the place where the ceremony was to be performed. The Grand Master announced the purpose of the occasion. Mr. Charles H. Haynes then stated the purpose of which the building was erected and requested that the cornerstone be laid according to the ancient rites and customs of Masonry. Then followed the impressive ceremony.

The list of articles placed in the crypt is as follows: Bible, school history, Masonic Record, Forest City Courier and Cliffside News, Rutherfordton Sun, Charlotte Observer, program of the formal opening and cornerstone laying of the building, coins, 1c, 5c, 10c, 25c, list of grand officers participating in the ceremonies, list of officers and members of Cliffside Lodge, No. 572 A.F.& A.M., Charlotte Observer, Sunday, March 11, 1917, containing the life story of R.R. Haynes; articles of agreement and by-laws of Cliffside Mills, history of Cliffside, picture of band.

Cliffside Elementary School has had a great history. It has been over eighty years since the first children set foot in the school. It has a proud history of many families great-grandparents, granparents, parents and children attending Cliffside. Many faculty members today are former students of the school. Everyone is proud to call Cliffside, "home."